Vita Fons II®
plants and soil

People find: herbs and vegetables grown organically with the addition of Vita Fons II taste wonderful and contain higher quantities of vital, natural energy,

Vita Fons II is designed to perform two functions:

  1. to vitalise and increase the soil's aerobic flora and fauna so that the plant has an abundant and varied natural diet and, by increasing mycorrhizal association, to aid the transference of LIFE from soil to plant.  And
  2. by increasing the leaf's vitality to boost the transference of (sun)light into carbohydrates: an essential precursor of protein.

All growing plants contain protein.  The more protein they contain the more vigorous their growth.  Organic protein is (a) obtained through mycorrhizal association in the roots, and (b) manufactured in the green leaf.  Both processes are noticeably enhanced by Vita Fons II.
Inorganic protein (chemical nitrogen) has an explosive effect inside the plant framework* producing a disease–prone plant of low nutritive value.  First class vegetable proteins may be obtained by using Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner and Foliar Spray in conjunction with organic husbandry.  No 'greener' product is available.

*So much so that terrorists use it to make explosives to demolish buildings, etc.

*           *            *           *            *

Vita Fons II Foliar Spray and Soil Conditioner are complementary.  To boost the roots' collection of substances for manufacture into plant food in the leaves use Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner.  Use Vita Fons II Foliar Spray to encourage the plant to grow more vigorous leaves and make good use of light and air.

The effect of applying Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner and Foliar Spray increases with continued use ... BUT THEY CANNOT TAKE THE PLACE OF CORRECT AND CAREFUL GARDENING, HORTICULTURE OR AGRICULTURE: i.e. gardening, horticulture or agriculture aimed at obtaining an open soil, well supplied with humus and having a plentiful soil population which can grow healthy, disease–resistant, heavy–cropping plants which are first class converters of airborne minerals and of light into carbohydrates.

Soil Conditioner

aids the soil to become one in which growth proceeds rapidly, smoothly and efficiently by increasing the vitality, activity and quantity of the beneficial (air–dependent) aerobic soil organisms which are essential to natural plant growth.

Since its action boosts the vitality of the soil's aerobic flora and fauna Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner will not leach out as chemicals do.

As a result of using Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner instead of chemicals ever–greater dependence on chemicals is reduced.  Its use does not merely call a halt to chemical dependence; when used in conjunction with organic husbandry it reverses the run–down of soil fertility.

N.B. It has proved invaluable in the changeover from
conventional to organic horticulture/agriculture.

How and when to apply

Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner may be applied by (1) watering can, (2) hand sprayer, (3) hose (e.g. 'Hoselock' Automatic Spray Unit), or (4) tractor sprayer.  (Like light, Vita Fons II will not travel down a long length of hose.)

Applications may safely be made at any time of the year.

Apply before disturbing the soil: i.e. ploughing, digging, sowing, hoeing, etc.

Add to compost and manure heaps as they are being built.

Dilution and application rates

Flower beds and vegetable plots.
  Apply a light spray of 5ml (1 teaspoon) to ten litres (or 5 to 6 drops to 500ml) of water or liquid manure whenever the soil is disturbed.
Shrubberies, orchards and plantations.  Lightly water the soil surface under the branches with a solution of 5ml (1 teaspoon) to ten litres of water or liquid manure in the Autumn and again after all frosts are past in the Spring.

Plant pots, seed and cuttings trays, etc.  Dilute Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner at the rate of 5 or 6 drops to 500ml of water or liquid manure when giving water or liquid feed.

Show plants.  Water and feed as usual, routinely adding Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner at the rate of 5 to 6 drops to 500ml of water or liquid feed.

Fields and market gardens.  Apply Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner at the rate of 500ml per hectare.

Soil low in humus should be spread with liberal amounts of humus–making material, over which Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner should be lightly sprayed before digging, rotavating or ploughing in.  (The soil population requires food in the form of humus, and Vita Fons II to help boost its vitality.)

Vita Fons II Foliar Spray and Soil Conditioner are complementary.

 Foliar Spray

helps the plant to make the best possible use of all the vitamins and trace minerals available in the soil and atmosphere, and to carry out biological transmutations as and when necessary.

The tonic effect of Vita Fons II Foliar Spray increases the plant's capacity to manufacture protein (which contains the element: Life).

By boosting vitality Vita Fons II Foliar Spray cuts down the ever–increasing need to spray with dangerous insecticides and fungicides.

How and when to apply
Vita Fons II Foliar Spray may be applied by (1) watering can, (2) hand held sprayer, (3) hose (e.g. 'Hoselock' Automatic Spray Unit), or (4) tractor sprayer.  (Like light Vita Fons II will not travel down a long length of hose.)

Applications of Vita Fons II Foliar Spray may safely be made at any stage of plant growth.  (Do not apply in bright sunlight or rain.)

Give a first application when a little growth has already been made by seeds, cuttings or plants.

A second application should be given at flower–bud emergence, or when growth is well under way.

For enhanced results apply more frequently (a stronger solution will not produce a greater effect).

Dilution and application rates
Flowers, vegetables, pot plants and lawns.  Lightly spray plants with a solution of 5ml (1 teaspoon) to ten litres (or, 5 to 6 drops to 500ml) of water.

Perennials, shrubs and trees.  After all frosts are past and when the plants are just about to begin their maximum rate of growth a solution of 5ml (1 teaspoon) to ten litres of water should be liberally sprayed on all growth.  A second application should be made when growth is well under way.

Show plants.  Spray weekly with a solution of 5ml (1 teaspoon) to ten litres (or 5 to 6 drops to 500ml) of water.  Or routinely add whenever spraying.  (See also: Dusting Powder).

Field and market garden crops.  Spray all crops with Vita Fons II Foliar Spray at the rate of 500ml per hectare.

Diseased plants.  The way to bring virus, germ and parasite under control is to increase the health of the plant with Vita Fons II Foliar Spray.  (Parasites etc. thrive on the enfeebled.)  To counteract the damage done/being done by heavy infestations of blight or by parasites, spray thoroughly twice daily if necessary.  (May be safely used together with biological controls.)

Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner and Foliar Spray are complementary.


Dusting Powder

should be used instead of Foliar Spray when it is undesirable to wet the foliage. 
(E.g. chrysanthemums in a glasshouse, or cuttings in cold frames.)

Either lightly dust all leaves with Vita Fons II Dusting Powder or apply at the rate of 400gm per hectare.

The Dusting Powder is fine so apply on a calm day.

Seed Dressing

 To encourage germination add ¼ level teaspoonful of the Seed Dressing to a packet of seeds,

shake well,

leave for 20 minutes before sowing.

For larger quantities of seeds use sufficient Vita Fons II Seed Dressing to coat all seed surfaces lightly.  Mix together thoroughly.  Allow 20 minutes before sowing for transference of energy from dressing to seeds.

Rooting Powder

To encourage rapid rooting, and to increase vitality, dip the ends of cuttings in Vita Fons II Rooting Powder before dibbling in.

Do not decant into other jars or bottles.
Vita Fons II preparations should be stored in the box or tube provided, in a cool dark place away from toxic fumes and materials, electric motors and radiating apparatus, of all kinds.
If stored in accordance with these directions Vita Fons II should remain active for at least a year.

Use Vita Fons II Foliar Spray or Dusting Powder, for its tonic effect on the plant.  To boost the numbers of aerobic micro–organisms in the soil (the only source of true fertility) apply Vita Fons II Soil Conditioner.  To give new plants a good start in life use Vita Fons II Seed Dressing and Rooting Powder.

© Vita Fons II Limited, 1993, 2018

For further details about Vita Fons II Foliar Spray, Soil Conditioner, Dusting Powder, Seed Dressing and/or Rooting Powder and/or the name and address of your local outlet, please send us an

e–mail with your full name and address

or write to

Vita Fons II Limited,
Combe Castle, Elworthy,
Taunton, Somerset,
England TA4 3PX.

Telephone: 0044 (0)1984 656245 Fax: 0044 (0)1984 656734

Plants & Soils
The Foundation